Welcome to the Nation’s First ALL-IN-ONE Online Solution for Helping People IMPROVE their Overall Well-Being thru Emotional Support Animal (ESA) and/ or Psychiatric Service Dog (PSD) Therapy!

Thanks to the growing improvements over the years of online healthcare known as “Telemedicine,” also known as “telehealth” or “e-medicine,” we have streamlined the process since 2014 for individuals who have qualifying medical conditions to obtain their Emotional Support Animal (ESA) and/ or their Psychiatric Service Dog (PSD) medical approval paperwork ONLINE! More often than not, people have wasted a lot of time, money, and energy with licensed medical professionals who do not believe in the power or merits of ESA’s or PSD’s, as a viable form of treatment to help people with their emotional and/ or mental illnesses. Well here at The DOGtor, our NATIONWIDE network of licensed medical professionals DO believe in the therapeutic benefits of having ESA’s allowed in your residence, despite a landlord or property managers, “No Pet” policies, as well as having a PSD allowed in the cabin of an airplane when traveling. Emotional and mental illnesses have always been an EXTREMELY serious problem and should not be overlooked, and since 2020, these problems have skyrocketed, not to mention suicide rates.

Well according to the Fair Housing Amendment Act of 1988, a landlord or property manager CANNOT (and should not) discriminate against ANY individual who has a debilitating emotional and/ or mental health condition, as well as the proper documentation and/ or prescription letter from a licensed physician or mental health professional, illustrating their need(s) for an Emotional Support Animal being allowed to live with them in their housing. In regards to animals being allowed to fly, as of January 1, 2021, The Department of Transportation (DoT) has BANNED ALL ESAs from being in the cabin of ALL US domestic airlines. However, as long as your therapeutic animal is a dog, we can still help you! As of right now, unless things change, ONLY Service Dogs and/ or “Psychiatric Service Dogs” are permitted in the cabin of an airplane, FREE OF CHARGE. And according to the DoT’s definition, “A service animal is a dog, regardless of breed or type, that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of a qualified individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability.” So the “or other mental disability” part qualifies those who have a qualifying emotional and/ or mental health condition to be able to fly with their dog as a “Psychiatric Service Dog (PSD).”

Once you feel comfortable in wanting to get started, the first step is to complete our HIPAA compliant Medical Questionnaire. Rest assured that your Medical Questionnaire will NEVER be seen by anyone other than the licensed medical professional who will be given your submission to review, and NONE of your contact information will ever be shared with anybody, for any reason, at any time, EVER. NO EXCEPTIONS! After the completion of our Medical Questionnaire, you can rest assured knowing that a legitimate and credible medical professional who is licensed in the state where you live, will review your submission, and provided that you have given enough information with your answers to establish that you do have at least one of the many “qualifying” medical conditions, you should be approved to have your pet(s) as an ESA for housing ONLY purposes, and/ or your dog(s) as a PSD for flying ONLY purposes. We take great pride in helping pets to be able to live in happy and loving homes, while providing the necessary emotional/ mental care & comfort to their owners that they cannot get from traditional over-the-counter medication! Do NOT be the individual who gets an eviction notice for having a pet, because you did not take the time to go through our online process to see if you might qualify for an “emotional/ mental health condition,” while your pet(s) could then also qualify to be your “Emotional Support Animal.” Instead of allowing landlords and property management companies to tell you where you CANNOT live, let The DOGtor help to tell them where you CAN! Not only can help to make your rental living, “Pet Friendly,” without you having to pay pet rent or pet deposit, but we can also help with flying the friendly skies with your furry therapeutic Psychiatric Service Dog(s) by your side!

Starting the approval process for an ESA and/ or a PSD is only a mouse-click away! Complete The DOGtor’s ONLINE Medical Questionnaire TODAY!

Get Started >

Emotional Support Dog
Get Your ESA and/ or PSD Approval!

You or your loved one COULD
qualify to be APPROVED for ESA
and/ or PSD Therapy ! Complete our
Risk Free medical evaluation
Today! Refund if you do NOT

How It Works

  • Complete Online Exam

    Fill out a brief online medical exam by clicking on the tab in the navigation bar titled "online medical exam" or by simply clicking on the link.

  • Make Payment

    If you are not approved for any reason, you will receive a 100% same-day refund. Refunds are granted only to those who are not approved by the evaluating medical doctor or psychotherapist. At the bottom of the online medical exam you will be required to choose the treatment plan that most accurately applies to you. Each patient may choose from any of the two packages offered or the travel plan.. The Care Plan offers a 1 year letter that must be renewed twelve months from the date the letter was issued. This is the most affordable plan. It costs 159 dollars for the evaluation and emotional support animal documentation. The most cost-effective package is the Compassion plan, which is 199$ and the ESA documentation has no expiration. It is by far the most popular plan chosen by our patients due to the fact that once they get their documentation, they will be able to live in peace with their new pet without having to come back to see us since the paperwork never expires! The travel plan is a letter for the airlines only and does not include an ESA exemption for housing. Upon completing the online medical questionnaire you must make payment or your medical paperwork will not be submitted for review.

  • The DOGtor Reviews Your Exam

    The Dogtor will review your online medical exam and inform you whether or not you are approved within 48 hours. During the work week approval is typically same day. In the event that The DOGtor needs to do a further exam he may want to speak with you over skype. However, this is a very rare occurrence.

  • Congratulations, You've Been Approved!

    Congratulations if you have been approved! You will be notified of your status typically within 24 hours of submitting your online exam. If you are approved, The DOGtor will sign, seal, and ship out your hard copy emotional support animal documentation via priority mail. You will receive a tracking number as well as be emailed a scanned copy of the letter immediately. In the event that you are not approved, you will be refunded the same-day. We recommend that you follow any recommendations noted to you by The DOGtor before paying us another visit!

How It Works

  • Step 1: Complete Medical Questionnaire

    All individuals seeking an Emotional Support Animal and/ or a Psychiatric Service Dog prescription approval letter, must complete the online medical questionnaire consisting of 74 questions. Not all of the questions are going to pertain to you, but be sure to answer the ones that do, and be sure to be as thorough and as detailed with your responses as possible, not to mention, as honest as possible. The questionnaire is the MOST important step in this process, so please, take it very serious and do not rush through it trying to complete as quickly as possible. It’s a lot better to give more information than is needed, than it is to give not enough. Because it could take you some time to complete, please make sure that you give yourself as much time as possible to complete, as you won’t be able to save your answers and come back to it later.
    You can begin the medical questionnaire by clicking on the “Get Started” tab located in the main navigation menu, or by clicking the “Get Started Now” tab below.

  • Step 2: Select Plan

    Potential client patients should keep in mind that if the evaluating medical professional does not feel comfortable writing you a prescription for an Emotional Support Animal and/ or a Psychiatric Service Dog, then you will receive a same-day refund. Refunds are granted only to those who are not approved by the evaluating DOGtor medical professional.
    After completing your online questionnaire, you will be required to choose the treatment plan that best applies to you and make a payment. If you ONLY need an ESA letter for housing, please choose the Housing Plan. The entry level housing plan is called the “Care Plan” and is only $159. If you ONLY need a PSD letter for travel, then please choose the Travel Plan for $149. If you would like, and/ or need documentation for BOTH, you will want to select the Compassion Plan for 199.00, which will cover both travel and housing. Regardless, you must submit payment at that time or your medical questionnaire will not be processed and sent to the appropriate medical provider for review.

  • Step 3: The DOGtor Review

    The DOGtor, a medical provider licensed in your state, will review your medical submission and you should receive an email from the assigned medical provider regarding your approval status within 24-48 hours. In the event that The DOGtor needs further information, he/ she may ask you for further information and/ or more detailed responses to the answers provided.

  • Step 4: Approved!?! Now What…?

    All individuals who have submitted the online medical questionnaire should hear back from the evaluating medical professional within 24-48 hours. The medical professional will then email you from their personal email address to the email address that you provided, so please make sure to check your spam/ junk folders, and wait patiently for their correspondence. The medical professional may ask you to provide more information about your responses, so please be prepared to provide further details if they may need more info from you in order for them to make an informed decision regarding an ESA/ PSD approval. Usually these questions are asking for further clarity for you might have been a bit too vague in answering a specific question(s).
    As stated in Step 3, if the medical provider does not approve you, you will receive a same-day refund. However, in the event that you are approved, you will receive your emailed PDF copy of the prescription letter(s) right away.


Determine Your Emotional Support Animal (ESA) and/ or Your Psychiatric Service Dog (PSD) Prescription Needs

TheDOGtor.net provides a range of different helpful plans that will give you the EXACT medical documentation you will need to either live, and/ or travel, with your therapeutic animal companions by your side. Not only will your ESA/ PSD help to improve your overall well-being and emotional/ mental health, but you will also not have to ever pay for any unnecessary items. We provide a “service,” we do not provide a “product.” And unlike MOST physicians and/ or mental health providers who will charge you for anything and everything, not to mention just for the office visit to simply “assess your potential if you qualify,” with us, you will be given a refund if you do not qualify! At The DOGtor, you can quickly and easily see if you can qualify for an Emotional Support Animal and/ or a Psychiatric Service Dog!

There are a few different documents you get online through TheDOGtor.net:

PSD Travel Letter – First and foremost, this PSD Travel Letter is for DOGS and flying purposes ONLY. Airlines require a PSD travel letter, certifying that your dog is a “Psychiatric Service Dog.” The PSD certification, in this case, is ONLY for Air Travel purposes, and it will allow you to fly with your Psychiatric Service Dog in the cabin of the airline as many times as you would like for 1 FULL YEAR from the date of issue. Furthermore, your PSD will be EXEMPT from ALL airline fees, and your PSD letter can be used at any time you are stopped and/ or questioned from airline personnel. You will also be given ALL of the required forms from The Department of Transportation.

ESA Housing Letter – First and foremost, this ESA Housing Letter is for BOTH dogs and/ or cats, (as well as other animal types within reason), and for housing purposes ONLY. If you suffer from a qualifying emotional and/ or mental health condition, you will be given an ESA letter from a medical professional licensed in your state, to give to your landlord/ property manager, showing your animal(s) is protected under the FHA, HUD, and ADA guidelines. In MOST cases, this ESA letter will be valid for the entire tenure of your lease. However, your landlord/ property manager might ask for/ require an updated ESA letter when you renew your lease, or if/ when you move after 1 year from the ESA letter date of issue, you will need to provide your new housing provider an updated ESA letter. This ESA housing letter can help settle disputes for people under the threat of eviction due to an “Emotional Support Animal.” Once the proper documentation is provided, your housing provider must meet and comply with Federal guidelines, or put themselves at risk for “harassment” and/ or “discrimination” for denying housing against The FHA, HUD, and ADA legislation for Emotional Support Animals.

COMBO Housing & Travel ESA/ PSD Letter – The “Compassion Plan” includes ALL of the benefits of the PSD Travel Plan, and ALL of the benefits of the ESA Housing Plan! This is not only the best plan overall, but the cheapest in the long run. Reason being, is the PSD Travel Plan is full price every year, the ESA Housing Plan is full price every year, whereas The Compassion Plan has a significantly discounted price to renew! With that said, whether you “own” your house and don’t “need” the Housing Plan letter, or don’t have a dog or will “never” travel with your dog, so you don’t “need” the Travel Plan letter, keep the letter you do NEED, and take FULL ADVANTAGE of the renewal discount!

Having an “Emotional Support Animal” and/ or a “Psychiatric Service Dog,” is a joy that can help to increase your overall well-being, and help to keep you sane in a stressful moment and/ or environment. However, not everyone understand the laws and/ or regulations concerning these precious types of animals. Having an ESA/ PSD approval letter can help to educate people who are not aware of the special protections afforded to client patients suffering from an emotional/ mental health condition, regardless of how severe and/ or debilitating their state of mind may be. Instead of trying to convince your primary care physician, or your mental health provider that you should be allowed such an animal for your “well-being,” work with TheDOGtor.net who does have a vast array of knowledge surrounding housing rules, travel laws, your HIPAA rights, as well as our medical providers who do already know, and believe in the therapeutic benefits that animals can bring to their handlers. TheDOGtor.net will provide ALL of the necessary documents and assistance to get your pet(s) approved and certified, so that you and your ESA/ PSD can remain protected under Federal law!

Emotional Support Animal (ESA) – An ESA is a therapeutic animal that is not required to have any special training or proof of medical records and/ or vaccinations. Under The Fair Housing Act, any pet may serve as an ESA, insofar as their presence helps to alleviate symptoms related to their handlers emotional/ mental condition. Unlike a Service Dog, where the dog must undergo special training and schooling to perform a specific task (like helping a blind person see), an ESA can be any type of animal a person chooses. In other words, if you are interested in getting a pet and/ or already have an animal that supports you mentally and/ or emotionally, you are protected under the law if a licensed medical health professional writes you an Emotional Support Animal Prescription Letter for you.

There are NO size, breed, and/ or weight restrictions when it comes to ESAs with the FHA, HUD, and/ or the ADA. An Emotional Support Animal is NOT a “pet,” it is a therapeutic companion. Therefore, any breed and/ or pet restrictions are NOT applicable to any individual who is undergoing ESA treatment and/ or therapy for their qualifying medical condition(s).

Psychiatric Service Dog (PSD) – A PSD is trained to work with their handler who have emotional and/ or mental issues, rather than physical and/ or sensory disabilities. Psychiatric Service Dogs can be any size, breed and/ or weight, as long as the dog provides its handler with the emotional and/ or mental support and comfort they need that cannot be given from traditional over-the-counter medication. PSD training can also be done by you, as the owner, and they can also travel with you on planes without any additional cost!