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New York Emotional Support Animal Prescription Letter

  1. We are New York City’s #1 online emotional support animal approval center!  If you need to get certified online quickly with a letter from one of our doctors,  you have come to the right place!   Qualifying in New York is simple:  anxiety, depression, insomnia, and stress can qualify you to life with a pet in housing despite no-pet policies!

As a New york resident, to get a prescription you will need to fill out the online exam by clicking the link “online exam” in the navigation menu.

It is a 74 question exam, so please carve out about 20 minutes of your time to complete it.

Emotional Support Animals in New York

What is the Purpose of Emotional Support Animals?

People with disabilities can benefit greatly from the companionship of emotional support animals. An emotional support animal provides comfort to people with physical and mental disabilities or illnesses. The most common emotional support animals are dogs and cats. An emotional support animal is often referred to as an ESA for short.

If you are interested in owning an ESA in New York, you need to be familiar with the laws regarding ownership of these animals. If you rent property and go in public places with your emotional support animal, certain laws may apply to you or protect you. In other cases, some laws may not permit you to have an ESA in certain areas. Read on to find out when the law may or may not be on your side.

Do Laws Favor Owning a New York Emotional Support Animal?

Typically, the law protect an New York emotional support animal and an individual with a disability. If you want to own an ESA in New York, then you must meet certain requirements. The list below details these requirements and is cited from mfy.org.

– You must have a disability in order to have an ESA. A diagnosis alone is not enough to qualify you to have an ESA in rental housing. If you are the recipient of Social Security Disability or Supplemental Security Income, you are highly likely to meet the requirement. If you do not have this, you will have to prove that you are disabled and unable to live without the support of an ESA.
– You must meet all of the housing requirements of your current or potential residence. Examples include income and age requirements for tenants.
– You must have a reasonable animal as an emotional support animal. This means the animal has to be an appropriate size and not cause harm to other people.
– You will need to show proof that you need your ESA in order to independently live at your residence.

How Can People Get Emotional Support Animals?

In order to legally own your pet in your rental residence, you must get permission from your landlord. You can use SSI and SSDI documents to prove your disability, and a letter from a therapist or physician is often required. If your landlord denies you the right to own your emotional support animal, then you may contact the NY State Division of Human Rights.

Miami Emotional Support Animal Prescription Letter

Emotional Support Animal Therapy in Miami

If you are someone who has experienced some sort of trauma in your life or you have a mental disorder that causes you to become anxious or upset, one form of therapy that is becoming increasingly used involves the presence of an emotional support animal. An emotional support animal calms you and comforts you through its presence, and it can be a big help for someone who would otherwise be very uneasy. When you are thinking about getting an emotional support animal in Miami, it is important to be aware of the legislation involved.

When you are looking up a Miami ESA policy, it is important to remember that your emotional support animal is not a service animal. A service animal is trained to perform a specific task that aids its owner. For example, a service dog might be trained to patrol for an owner who has PTSD and needs reassurance that the world is safe. An emotional service animal merely comforts its owner by its presence.

When you are thinking about Miami ESA policy, remember that there are only two places where are you are guaranteed to have a right to the presence of your animal. The first place is the place where you are living, and the second place is aboard a plane for travel. In every other circumstance in Florida, your emotional support animal is considered a pet and can be legally banned as such unless the establishment specifically allows animals.

To get an emotional support animal Miami has the same policies as occur elsewhere in the country. In most cases, you will need to talk to a therapist. A therapist can identify the issues that you are dealing with, and he or she can discuss with you the benefits of getting an emotional support animal and which one might be the right one for you. Because the animal does not need to provide anything but companionship, it can be of any species that you are comfortable with. After the groundwork is laid, the therapist will write you a letter explaining your condition and the benefits of a service animal, and this letter can be used to receive things like designation tags and collars for your animal.

When you are thinking about emotional support animal therapy, remember that the animal that you choose is not a serivce animal and will not be treated as such in Florida. This will impact where you can take your animal and what you can do with it, so keep this in mind!

San Diego Emotional Support Animal Prescription Letters

Understanding Emotional Support Animals in San Diego

The question of what an emotional support animal is and whether you can have one with you is a complicated one. As time goes on, we are realizing more and more how much animals help us and can improve our health. Service animals and emotional support animals are getting more attention, but before you can proceed with things like acquiring one, there are a few things to know. When you are considering an emotional support animal in San Diego and California in general have a few laws to be aware of.

First, remember that San Diego and California in general has a very clear line drawn between service animals and emotional support animals. When you are looking at an emotional support animal in San Diego and California state that it is not an animal that performs a service animal. A dog that is a service animal aids its owner in some way, whether that is providing physical support, patrolling an area to reduce anxiety or acting as a blind person’s eyes. An emotional support dog, on the other hand, merely stays close to its owner to keep them calm.

When you are in San Diego ESA policies are going to vary widely. According to California law, as long as a place makes a reasonable effort to accommodate you and your emotional service animal, that is all they need to do. In general, this is a very loose ruling with very little precedent set. Essentially, what this means is that though you can make your case, there is no law forcing an establishment to accept the presence of your emotional support animal.

One way to make your case a little better, however, is to make sure that you comply with all of the regulations for getting one. For example, you cannot diagnose yourself with a need for an emotional service animal. This is a decision that you will make with a therapist or other mental health professional. After that, you will acquire an animal with their assistance, and they will write you a letter stating what the animal’s purpose is and how you are helped by it. This letter is what you would offer to any licensing agency that will help you get things like collars, certifications and tags that will identify your animal as more than just a pet.

When you are looking at San Diego ESA policy, keep in mind that your best chances for getting your needs met is to get everything documented and to make sure that you know the rules!

Emotional Support Animal Letter Online


Getting your emotional support animal letter should be seamless and affordable, which is why we created the first all-in-one online emotional support animal approval service! The Dogtor is a licensed physician who will review the content of the online exam you take right here on this website. Through a smooth and easy process, you can become qualified to own an emotional suport dog in as little as 24 hours!

5 quick tips to get you started on the exam

1. When in doubt, err on the side of answering each question thoroughly.
2. To avoid delays, make sure each question has been answered
3. Make sure that the spelling of your name is correct
4. The exam takes 20 minutes to fill out so please alott the appropriate time to complete. It can’t be saved!
5. If you don’t have paypal, select the small link that says you don’t have paypal account and the shopping cart will allow you to pay with your card.